Dear Visitor,
It is our duty to provide the best available services with a medical specialized staff to ensure the provision of high quality treatment service.
Admission is requested by the attending physician, through one of the following sources:
The emergency coordinators shall follow up with the Bed Management Department to book a proper bed for the patient's condition.
• After you have received a text message that your case admission is accepted, an officer of Bed Management Department will coordinate with you.
• Admission will be applied according to medical priority.
• You can also communicate with the Bed Management *Department to follow up your case through the contact number described in the text message.
• Case admission acceptance does not necessarily mean that a bed is available.
• If the health condition of the patient is changed, we ask you to provide us with an updated medical report of the patient.
Out-Patient Clinics:
• Approach the Reception of Bed Management Department where the employee in charge will record and print the booking date and time and will provide you with the necessary instructions.
• Confirm the contact numbers, as you will be communicated and informed of the appointment.