King Fahad Medical City "KFMC" started as a pioneering idea that came true. The idea was adopted by King Fahad bin Abdulaziz. The Prince of Riyadh region then, King Salman bin Abdulaziz laid the foundation stone of KFMC in 1403, corresponding to 1983. KFMC came into operation in the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahad bin Abdulaziz, where King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince then, inaugurated it on 21/08/1425 H, corresponding to 05/10/2004
KFMC has a strategic location in the heart of Riyadh city, capital of Saudi Arabia. KFMC is one of the largest and fastest growing medical complexes in the Middle East with a total capacity of (1200) beds. It has a highly qualified and efficient Technical Management Team, all are engaged to achieve one goal: making KFMC a benchmark in the medical care, to which all patients from all over the region are referred to, for all treatment levels where medical and professional competencies of different disciplines are gathered to provide assistance to patients, who are estimated annually by more than 30,000 inpatients and 500,000 outpatients. As KFMC working environment has qualified employees, it provides more quality care and commitment to overall quality in dealing with the patients; in addition to achieving one of KFMC's priorities that is to spread knowledge, the culture of development and achievement in the community.
KFMC witnessed several historical phases:
The first phase was the operation of the largest medical city in the Middle East, comprising four hospitals, four medical centers, and various supporting administrations.
The second phase was to ensure that KFMC is the benchmark for specialized medical services at all levels to treat incurable diseases, taking advantage of the latest technologies in the world, coupled with strategic partnerships with global industrial and medical sectors. Despite such a progress, KFMC decisions remain revolving around the royal directives to focus on the citizen, and in line with the slogan of the Ministry of Health (Citizen Health First), using the latest technologies in the treatment of the patient.
KFMC is proud of its highly qualified medical, technical and administrative Saudi staff.
Scholarships in the most prestigious universities in the world are annually granted by KFMC to many students and trainees. The Medical City also holds dozens of international scientific conferences, medical and educational events, and various workshops. All these vital elements are employed by KFMC to crystallize its mission towards the community by providing safe and specialized healthcare based on scientific evidence and supported by education, training, and research. KFMC has achieved many accomplishment and international accreditations and won several international awards over the past years. The Medical City will continue this approach to be a regional and global benchmark in the field of specialized medical services.