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"KFMC" Trains 600 Physicians on Effective Physician-Patient Communication Skills

5/17/2018 12:00 AM


physicians to enhance communication skills through the Administration's Physician Communication Skill Improvement Program. This program is a part of the Administration's endeavors to promote patients' medical care, improve patient experience and physician communication, and raise the communication skills level with patients.

The Executive Director of Patient Experience and Program Director Dr. Ali Asiri, explained that this program came after examining the need to enhance physicians' communication skills in recognition that the effective communication between physician, patient and his/her family and between physicians and the medical team plays an important role in providing a stimulating environment that supports the improvement of patient's health and contribute to speed up his/her recovery. This is one of the programs and projects that seek to achieve patient satisfaction by providing a hospital environment that considers the human aspect of communication, providing him/her and his/her family a successful experience during the treatment journey.

" The Executive Director of Patient Experience has been training physicians for nearly a year in collaboration with the Healthcare Excellence Center at Mayo Clinic in America, where the care is focused on patient satisfaction and improved his /her therapeutic experience by involving them and their families in all care stages and delivering the information on time in an appropriate manner. The program extends for 8-hour and it covers the basic skills in which physicians communicate with patients, their colleagues, and all members of the medical team who provides patient care, including concentration skills, mental presence, listening skills, patient's involvement in developing the treatment plan, and high-technique training to deliver the bad news, taking into account the professional aspect as well as humanitarian and emotional aspects." He added.

 "The program also addresses ways to help physician to integrate into the work environment positively through dealing with work pressures skills, self-motivation, and dissemination of appreciation and respect culture among employees"، he said.

Dr. Asiri pointed out that some agreements have been signed with a number of hospitals to provide physicians with the program, where Al-Iman Hospital physicians will be trained during the second quarter of 2018, indicating that this training program is one of several initiatives adopted by KFMC through the Executive Director of Patient Experience to improve patient's experience in KFMC based on questionnaires, patient satisfaction  indicator measurement, analyzing outcomes to identify opportunities and  development areas and then working on them to provide patient-centered medical care and to find a positive and integrated treatment experience for patients and their families