Dr. Mohammed Saeed Bafaqeeh

قسم جراحة المخ والأعصاب - كبار
المركز الوطني للعلوم العصبية

المنصب الحالي
Consultant Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute
تفاصيل عامة
اللغات المنطوقة:

شهادات التعليم والبورد
-       Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
-       Bachelor of Science (Nursing) George Mason University, Fair Fax, Va, USA with Honors.
-       Doctorate in Medicine (MD) with award, from the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
-       Research fellowship in minimally invasive brain surgery.
-       Fellowship in conventional and complex cranial surgery University of Ottawa Neurosurgery Program.
الخبرة أو التخصص
Neurosurgery, Skull base, Neurovascular and peripheral nerve surgery

الأبحاث والمطبوعات
-       The pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis (review article) Neurosurgery focus 2008.
-       The diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) guided Transulcul Exoscopic radial corridor approach for the resection of lesions in the sensorimotor area. 2013
-       Part I: the challenge of functional preservation: an integrated systems approach using diffusion-weighted, image-guided, Exoscopic-assisted, transulcal radial corridors, Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada And Aurora Neuroscience Innovation Institute, Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Innovative Neurosurg. 2015.
Part II: the challenge of functional preservation: an integrated systems approach using diffusion-weighted, image-guided, Exoscopic-assisted, transulcal radial corridors, Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada And Aurora Neuroscience Innovation Institute, Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Innovative Neurosurg. 2015