Dr. Milad El-Segaier

قسم القلب - أطفال
مركز الملك سلمان لطب وجراحة القلب

المنصب الحالي
Consultant Interventional Pediatric Cardiologist
تفاصيل عامة
اللغات المنطوقة:
Arabic, English & Swedish

شهادات التعليم والبورد
-          Authorised physician, M.B.CH.B, April 1990, Benghazi, Libya.
-          D. C. H. (Diploma of Child Health), June 1991, Benghazi, Libya.
-          Specialist in General Paediatrics, August 1998, Malmö, Sweden.
-          Specialist in Paediatrics cardiology, August 1999, Lund, Sweden.
-          Full registration as a medical professional in Sweden, May 22nd, 2002.
-          Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden, April 20th, 2007. Thesis title: DIGITAL ANALYSIS OF CARDIAC ACOUSTIC SIGNALS IN CHILDREN
الخبرة أو التخصص
Pediatrics, Pediatric and Congenital Interventional cardiologist

الأبحاث والمطبوعات
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=el-segaier+milad&btnG= www.researchgate.net/profile/Milad_El-Segaier https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=el-segaier+m